On November, 5th, European Commission published its 2020 call for proposals for the Erasmus+ programme. 2020 is the last year of the current European Union programme for mobility and cooperation in education, training, youth and sport. The expected budget of over €3 billion, an increase of 12% compared to 2019, will provide even more opportunities for young Europeans to study, train or gain professional experience abroad. As part of the 2020 call for proposals, the Commission will launch a second pilot on European Universities. Moreover, the EU aims to create 35,000 opportunities for African students and staff to participate in the programme as part of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs.
Read moreIn 2017, 43 % of the EU population had an insufficient level of digital skills and major disparities still remain between Member States regarding the acquisition of digital skill among the labour force.
The European Social Fund (ESF) has been used to tackle digital skills deficit throughout Europe in the current programming period (2014-2020) by supporting projects aiming at fostering digital skills among citizens.
FPC Ltd has made two videos to promote the project CODE - COMPETENCE OPPORTUNITIES FOR DIGITAL EMPLOYMENT.
Read moreThe project CODE benefits from a 2 300 000 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Human Resources Development Agency and under no circumstances can be assumed that it reflects the official opinion of the Fund Operator or the Donors.