Although the activities under CODE project has been successfully completed, the team of HRDA continues with the follow-up and upgrade of the skills of graduates from courses.
On 02.11, Creative Center Ruse held the first meeting between advanced youngsters in the Adobe Photoshop software product. The students, who has enrolled in the second level course, have started professional upgrade of their works through collages and various photo manipulations.
Today, October, 7th, the team of Creative Center Ruse started its 3 days participation in the exhibition Tourism Expo 2022 - Destination Varna, which for the sixth year in a row creates a good business environment for building useful contacts in the tourism industry. The organizers of the tourist expo are the agency for marketing communications ProVox and the Varna Association of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (VARH).
The purpose of the Center's participation in the forum is to present to a wide audience its activities, innovative trainings and services developed within the frame of CODE project. By promoting its activity, the team of Creative Center Ruse will present the new services that it could provide to touristic companies and will search for new successful collaborations and opportunities for application and upgrade of its achievements and scope of work.
On September 28, 2022, Human Resources Development Agency and FPC ltd held their final CODE project closure event at "Yordan Yovkov" High school in Ruse. It was attended by over 60 students and teachers from the school and Ruse region, graduates from the courses, partners, experts from the field of creative industries, and other stakeholders.
On 1 September Human Resources Development finished the final online training course organized under CODE project that was focused on the basics and types of 3D modeling in GAME DESIGN and presentation of games with the help of graphic design. The innovative course incorporated the content from both training programs in 3d animation and graphic design developed under CODE project.
Despite the summer heat and the holiday season, the team of Creative Center Ruse continues successfully with the online course on the basics and types of 3D modeling in game design and the presentation of games using graphic design, which is held within the framework of the CODE project/Competent opportunities for digital employment/.
The project CODE benefits from a 2 300 000 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Human Resources Development Agency and under no circumstances can be assumed that it reflects the official opinion of the Fund Operator or the Donors.