The NEET group improves its video editing skills @ Tartu Art School

Students started to learn more about video editing by using Adobe After Effects programme, but the whole process is not something entirely new because the group was tasked with taking the logo that they created in the previous weeks and it was about time to animate it. After Effects provides a lot of options to edit a video, so, students had to learn the basics, although some of them already had some experience with this software, therefore, they were able to add advanced video effects.

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Workshop and teacher training @ Tartu Art School 9-13 March

During 9-13 March Tartu Art School will hold two major events regarding project CODE.

Starting on Monday, 9 March Tartu Art School will manage partner study and collaboration workshop, where leading partner HRDA will give an overview of general progress of the project. In addition, Solutions Brief Therapy and Counselling Centre Rousse representative Boyan Strahilov introduces testing of the tool in the partner countries and incorporation of motivation modules in curricula. All project partners will present their performed activities and tasks regarding the project and give results that they’ve reached so far. Other essential topics and questions rising will be also discussed during the workshop.

In parallel, the teacher training will also take place in Tartu lead by Tiimiakatemia Global. The teacher training be held for the teachers of CODE project. The training gives the participants enriched and broad view on how to use TOY concept and team learning in their own work context.

The topics in focus include:

  • team learning practices;
  • team coaching philosophy and approaches;
  • basics of motivation in team learning settings;
  • team development phases.

At the end of the training the participants have fundamental knowledge (philosophy, frameworks, methodology and practices) on teamwork and team learning methodology used in Tiimiakatemia® - and similar - contexts. The participants have ideas and tentative plans on how to apply (or enrich the use of, if the participant is already using the Method or its

applications) Tiimiakatemia® Method to his or her own work context and in the context of TOY Method.

Around 25 participants will attend the workshop and teacher training. During these events, the participants will visit the graphic design classes set up at the creative district of Aparaaditehas for the first group that started their studies in January 2020.

Mr Vasil Goranov, a project CODE staff member from FPC Ltd appeared in new Bulgarian movie

The gala premiere of the new Bulgarian film "Yatagan" took place in Sofia on February 18th.

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Students visit gallery and learn about shadows in art @ Tartu Art School

By the end of the last week students started the lesson by using the new computers to improve their skills in Adobe programmes. Since they were made available to people just recently, it is going to take some time to finish learning all of the software, but students are eager to progress.

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The ESF promoting social entrepreneurship and social innovation

In recent years, social entrepreneurship, social enterprises, and social innovation have gained in importance in policy and practice across Europe. By definition, social enterprises aim to have a social impact rather than make a profit for their owners or shareholders. They address socio-economic challenges by providing goods or services through innovative ways and often by involving people facing social exclusion and obstacles to work, such as disabled people, those with mental health problems, ex-offenders, marginalised communities and numerous others.

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The project CODE benefits from a 2 300 000 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Human Resources Development Agency and under no circumstances can be assumed that it reflects the official opinion of the Fund Operator or the Donors.