On March, 26th 2021 the team of Human Resources Development Agency – Ruse held an online stakeholders workshop. The meeting brought together 34 students from Ruse with similar interests in the field of gaming and creative industries, willing to deal with the development of gaming, painting, 3D design.
On 29/03/2021 Dr. Plamen Panayotov (from Solutions Brief Therapy and Counselling Centre) presented to the Greek trainees in CODE 3D Animation program the THI-QU-AN-D-OB-RE (Thinking – Questioning – Answering – Doing - Observing – Reviewing – Thinking) approach as a valuable tool for motivating themselves and progressing in every aspect of professional and social context.
He presented examples of practicing successfully the methodology in our everyday life and why each of the above-mentioned steps are important and necessary to be followed. Especially the second step of the approach (i.e. Questioning) was thoroughly discussed with the participants outlining its importance in the process of self-awareness and self-motivation. The trainees addressed specific inquiries to Dr. Panayotov on the methodology and commented that the self-motivation platform can be a valuable tool for them.
In January Tartu Art School’s CODE students got an interesting opportunity to learn about creating virtual worlds for VR glasses. They had a chance to travel to the virtual world using one of the most powerful VR glasses - Valve Index.
Workshop was led by Tartu Art School’s second year 3D design student Aleksandr Marks. “VR glasses are at the beginning of their development process and keep getting more and more powerful. VR is a difficult topic that can’t be taught in such a short time, but the students’ feedback was super positive and I gave them a great start in the 3D world,” he says. Students didn’t only learn how to use VR glasses, but how this kind of technology is changing the world and affecting our lives.
Last week Solutions took part in the online sessions, part of CODE trainings organized by Tartu Art School, Estonia and FPC Ltd through its subcontractor in Greece - APOPSI SA.
During the CODE-3D Animation training program in Greece, students learn how to transform 3D objects and how to add details using new tools and techniques, using Blender open source Software.
The project CODE benefits from a 2 300 000 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Human Resources Development Agency and under no circumstances can be assumed that it reflects the official opinion of the Fund Operator or the Donors.